09. Initialize Priors Function

In this quiz we will create a function that initializes priors (initial belief state for each position on the map) given landmark positions, a position standard deviation (+/- 1.0), and the assumption that our car is parked next to a landmark.

Note that the control standard deviation represents the spread from movement (movement is the result of our control input in this case). We input a control of moving 1 step but our actual movement could be in the range of 1 +/- control standard deviation. The position standard deviation is the spread in our actual position. For example, we may believe start at a particular location, but we could be anywhere in that location +/- our position standard deviation.

Start Quiz:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using std::vector;

// initialize priors assuming vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev
vector<float> initialize_priors(int map_size, vector<float> landmark_positions,
                                float position_stdev);

int main() {
  // set standard deviation of position
  float position_stdev = 1.0f;

  // set map horizon distance in meters 
  int map_size = 25;

  // initialize landmarks
  vector<float> landmark_positions {5, 10, 20};

  // initialize priors
  vector<float> priors = initialize_priors(map_size, landmark_positions,

  // print values to stdout 
  for (int p = 0; p < priors.size(); ++p) {
    std::cout << priors[p] << std::endl;

  return 0;

// TODO: Complete the initialize_priors function
vector<float> initialize_priors(int map_size, vector<float> landmark_positions,
                                float position_stdev) {

  // initialize priors assuming vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev

  // set all priors to 0.0
  vector<float> priors(map_size, 0.0);

  return priors;